Well, I stumbled across this idea all on my own.
Today is cleaning day at my house and I was off to a good start. The problem was that I had green paint on my wooden kitchen table. I usually have this table covered with a table cloth, but it was in the wash and I was thinking that I could live without the table cloth if the table didn’t have the ugly green paint slathered all over it. The paint has been there for oh, over 6 months I would say. I’ve tried rubbing it off, scraping it off, etc. to no avail.
I thought I might get some Magic Erasers at the store next time I was there. But being the impatient person that I am, I decided to go at it on my own yet again. It is cleaning day after all and I wanted that table clean NOW.
I had pulled the vinegar out to clean the coffee pot. I had also pulled out my super sized Baking soda to scrub down the stovetop.
As I stood staring at the paint stain, I thought. Hmm. I wonder if I put the vinegar on a towel and then added a sprinkeling of baking soda if that would work.
And guess what….That stain came out without any elbow grease from me at all! I just wiped it and the green paint transferred from the table to the cloth in seconds flat. (Be sure you use an old cloth if you try this at your house).
So…no more Magic Erasers for me. With a cheap bottle of white vinegar and and even cheaper box of baking soda, I can attack any stain that wants to stand in the way of my clean house!
Do you have any cleaning tips you found by chance? If so, leave me a message and let me know about it.