Class Dismissed – A Film About Learning Outside of the Classroom

April 15th, 2013 Comments Off on Class Dismissed – A Film About Learning Outside of the Classroom

Class Dismissed pic


I’m so excited about this film. In my opinion, we need more of them.

From what I’ve seen on the Class Dismissed trailers, website, and Facebook page, this film will clearly and eloquently explore the ideas behind modern day homeschooling and unschooling. The director, Jeremy Stuart, hopes that this film will help families delve deep within themselves and ask the question, “What does it mean to educate our children?” On the website, he expresses his desire to paint a picture of the current compulsory educational system and the alternatives to that form of schooling.

There are currently three trailers that you will find on their Facebook page. I have provide one of them here.



In my mind, this is a film that can change the way that people think about education. If you already homeschool or Unschool, please share with your Facebook friends, homeschool groups and neighbors. If you are new to the idea of homeschooling or unschooling, please approach this film with an open mind and heart. With every passing year, more and more concerns arise with the current form of mass education. I’m sure you’ve recognized this or you wouldn’t be reading here. I invite you all to share this film, start discussions about education and spread the word about the film and the alternatives to the status quo.

Following are links to the Class Dismissed website and Facebook page. Perhaps you will visit those and rally support behind the film in any fashion that feels comfortable to you. Together we can make a difference in the lives of our children. Together we can raise children who are curious about our world, who think outside of the box and can bring unique resolutions and ideas to the issues we face as human beings now and in the future.





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